Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Role Reversal

"Anyone criticizing my dithering failures is un-American."

Sometimes it is comical to watch the way smug progressives twist themselves into pretzel knots justifying whatever it is they are doing or saying at any given moment.

I think it is because their entire worldview is grounded in the desire to control the lives 
of others. When that is your overarching purpose in life, mere principles or any vestige of intellectual consistency are just impediments to the ultimate goal.

Remember when "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" was the preferred progressive rationale for criticizing President Bush's conduct of what has come to be called the Global War On Terrorism? (The quote is misattributed, by the way; Jefferson never said any such thing. Jefferson had better sense than to believe such nonsense.) Back in the day, the easiest way to give a progressive a conniption was to suggest to them that their strident, public criticism was actually giving aid and comfort to our enemies.

Now that a card-carrying progressive (to say the least) is in the White House, though, criticism of his policies cannot be tolerated. It doesn't help that President Obama criticizes Republicans exclusively for opposing him even when a lot of the criticism is coming from his own side. He has even gone so far as to suggest Republican criticism helps ISIS recruit new members.


And Then There Were...Still Too Many

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal ended his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination yesterday.

Governor Jindal is a good man, with a lot of strong, conservative ideas. It does not speak well of supposedly conservative GOP voters that he could never gain any traction.

Folks, if there is no room for Jindal, Scott Walker, or Rick Perry in this race, there is absolutely no room for Graham, Huckabee, Kasich, Paul, Pataki, or Santorum. All of those guys need to drop the fuck out, right now...

Bad Staff Work

Senator "Clueless Claire" McCaskill, D(umbass) - Missouri

If you're working for a politician, and you tell them you think it's a good idea for them to participate in a half-witted Hillary Clinton stunt, then it probably isn't going to end well for you.

Of course, all of the women who took part in this stunt are going to get a lesson in what can be done with image-editing software these days. Serves 'em right...

Cool New Stuff

I've needed a new shaving kit for awhile (my old one finally disintegrated after years of faithful service), but until recently I couldn't find anything like my old one.

It was the "Goldilocks Problem": too big, too small, too cheap, too expensive, etc. Leave it to the folks at Harry's to come to my rescue with the snazzy item pictured.

"Why do you need a 'travel kit' when you never go anywhere anymore?"

It's the principle of the thing...

Old School

From the droll comic strip Non Sequitur, by Wiley Miller, which you should read every day, as I do (even though Wiley is a squishy liberal).

Until Next Time...

Some days, I'm just in the mood for Beethoven, it's as simple as that.

Today's send-off is a recording of the 1st movement of his Piano Sonata No. 21 (popularly referred to as the Waldstein) by Sir András Schiff. Enjoy...

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